I have never been so involved in learning about a presidential election before. This one has become so interesting. So while you're waiting for future info enjoy a little bit of
I am excited about the idea of her. Right now I feel that she is the most honest candidate out there, but I'm still researching for myself. Let me know what you think -(please remember that this blog is a rated PG)check out other blog comments on Palin: Cory's, Becky's
P.S. If you need a good shock/laugh check out Picky Palate's current post. OH MYLANTA!
I think she is inspiring. She seems like a real person. It was the first National convention I had ever watched.... Her little daughter Piper ( I love her kids names !) licking her hand and fixing her baby brothers hair stole my heart..... Have you seen the clip on youtube?
I wanted to say something else too. Cody and I agree on almost NOTHING politically, but we both like her.
what he likes
Hunter, fisher, her views on global warming, polar bears, NRA, marathon runner. Alaska, she is nothing like Hilary Clinton
I like
PTA, expert on energy, mom of special needs child, that she is a woman who has a chance of being VP, and she is nothing like Hillary Clinton.
these are personal things, and you need alot more than that to help run the country. her policys and qualifications will be greatly tested in the coming weeks. It will be excititng to watch it all unfold.
I LOVE your comments Denette - good food for thought! I'm gonna have my democrat mother-in-law read them.
I'm glad to finally have someone in politics that I can kind of relate to! and a woman who is nothing like Hilary.
I'd like to say amen to all you've just said.
Netty makes me laugh...cody too :)
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