Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yes, I'm Losing It!

Have you ever been so excited about something and people just look at you like you've lost it. Well I have . . . LOST IT! That is, I've lost 8 pounds since a week ago, Monday. There was no suffering involved; no cravings unfulfilled.

I have tried my fair share of diets, some have worked better than others; namely Weight Watchers and Body for Life. Unfortunately, my emotional eating just brings me right back to my usual, unhappy, jolly circumstance.

It is so depressing and frustrating to think about starting anew. My midwife has told me, as well as so many other resources, that our calorie intake is 80% of the problem; 20% is exercise. The exercise part is fathomable but going from 3500/4000 calories a day, down to 1200 calories is UNREALISTIC! IMPOSSIBLE! TORTURE! Food is emotional for me, comforting, enjoyable, a livelihood. It is literally who I am - food, you are what you eat.

I have not been much of a drug taker; I've always been nervous about putting manmade chemicals in my mouth to solve even the basic problem. I wait until my headache is so bad I can't function before I think of taking a tylenol or excedrin. I heard about the pills that speed up your metabolism and help suppress your hunger; but in fear, I would never try them. Six months ago, in desperation, I decided to try some. On the third day, I finally related my shaky, heart racing, nervousness to the stupid pills. AND I still craved all the sugar and bake goods my mind could imagine (ate them, too). Of course a pill isn't going to do the work for us.

Can any of you relate?

So, for those of you still reading this, I'm hoping that you're wondering "What's up with the 8 lbs. lost? What did Carrie do? " Basically, I've dropped my daily calorie intake to 1200 calories a day. That's what it takes to lose weight. But that's not the key, not the important part. The key is that I was able to do it happily, no cravings, no suffering, no loss of enjoyment and PERFECTLY SAFE.

1 hour, prior to each meal, I took a pill called FORM, a temporary pre-meal gastric bulking agent. WHAT? Definition: a pill that goes right to my stomach and absorbs the 6 oz glass of water that I drank with it, enlarging up to 1,000 times its weight, leaving me feeling partially filled before I ever begin eating.

Is it safe? YES! Have you ever eaten a Frosty from Wendy's or a Jello Pudding? gelatin, pectin, soups, sauces or salad dressings? Then you have consumed this polyacrylic acid hydrogel. Many polymers are used as filler in pharmaceuticals. It is non-invasive and biologically inert. It DOES NOT absorb nutrients, vitamins, medications or other beneficial compounds that our bodies need! It is just there.

All my cravings are gone! I always want something sweet when I'm finished with my 3 servings of a meal. Now I eat one serving and have no desire for sugar to complete me. I went to Costco Monday and no interest in those samples they hand out. My stomach is telling my brain that it is full and so my brain isn't telling me to EAT! EAT! EAT!

So, now I want to invite you, the one that actually read this entire entry, to my skinny party. Come and see what this is really all about. Whether you struggle like I do or just want to keep those few extra pounds off. Or maybe there's someone you care about that would really benefit from this way of living. You are welcome to bring anyone with you. You won't be sorry.

I'm a so excited. I am in control. Food does not run my life! No more. Never again. I am going to be thin and healthy and happy and enjoy all those things that I've been missing for so long.

Research sites: My O3 World and Forever Green and 2beskinny

My Skinny Party details


Jeni said...

Carrie! I am so happy & excited for you! You go girl.
I feel your pain about food being just feels so good!

Jenny Lee said...

Awesome Carrie! I listened to your videos and I want to try it. Let me know how to get it in Richfield.

Care said...

Jeni & Jenny

Thanks for your positive comments!! It's the people who don't comment that I worry about what they're thinking - especially when you put yourself out there.

"Jenny" They'll ship a bottle right to your house. It's like $39.40 with tax & shipping for 40 pills (at least that's what it is to my house) I can call you and tell you the details. I still have to be wise and make mindful decisions, the pill doesn't do anything but allow me to be decisive not compulsive. I lost another pound today. and I'm going to save the world! HEE HEE - I sound so cheesy! I'm stopping now.

Ellie McFreaken said...

Food is just so tasty that how can it not be emotional? I get emotional if I see a brownie and it's not mine!
You look great and I was intersted to learn about what the product does and how it functions.
I love you no matter what but if you want to loose weight then rock on sista!
Thanks for putting yourself out there that's what blogging is for... Support my friend and you've got it!

Unknown said...

Here here to all the other comments that have been said before. I'm happy you've found something that's working for you.

Who doesn't love food. It's all too good!

Becky tells me she's taller than Eli now. I'm sure it won't last long, but when did the carpool kids grow up?

I guess I'm officially not blog stalking you anymore. Glad to have found you.

Becky A said...

You are looking great, girl! Way to go!

Angela said...

The product sounds great. I'm glad they finally have something that is safe. But I can't understand not wanting food?? Even when I'm bloated full my mind still says "But it will taste good" ha ha

Jodi said...

You are losing it!! You look great!!

nachobeanos said...

yea well I can say that I relate any to the weight losing quest............ sounds important.

Anyway I just wanted to say that we got the christmas card I didn't know where else to post a coment about it. All the kids look so silly
we liked it a lot JOSEPH & LINDSEY