Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I LOL when I saw this!

Eli and I were watching Jolene Sjoblom's tapes of the SWKNews that they air at the elementary school each Monday. She adds some extras every once in a while. We watched this one over and over again. It is really funny. Does it remind you of anyone?

Here's another one she used, loved it:

Tres Clever!


Jeni said...

I'm LOL-ing TOO!!!! Oh I love it! hil-A-rious!

Tiffany said...

Oh my word! That is so funny I'm lol... That's as funny as when they push the elevator button fifty times thinking that's going to help.... you crack me up!

Ellie McFreaken said...

I loved this Carrie..Are swimming lessons over yet?????

amy said...

Those are great! Thanks for the laugh